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Ons swartwitpens kuddes bestaan hoofsaaklik uit suiwer Zambiese en kruis Zambiese diere afkomstig van Thaba Tholo en verskeie ander top telers wat se kleur variasie bestaan uit, donker rooi vroulike diere, tot 'n ligte rooi/geel kleur.
Ons Zambiese teelbulle is afkomstig uit Dries Vissser se teelkuddes met hulle besondere swart masker gesigte as uitstaande kenmerk. Ook is daar 'n Matetsi kudde met vroulike diere van 30" + horinglengtes wat dan ook se verskalwers op veiling aangebied word.
Ons Buffel teelkudde bestaan slegs uit die Madikwe reservaat en Thaba Tholo kuddes, wat ons dan ook in twee aparte teel kuddes bestuur. Die Madikwe buffels is veral bekend ook vir hulle groot bouvorm en hoog op die bene wat vir ons 'n belangrike kenmerk is om voor te selekteer.

Our sable herds consist mainly of pure Zambian and cross-Zambian animals from Thaba Tholo and various other top breeders whose color range consists of dark red female animals, to a light red / yellow color.

Our Zambian breeding bulls originate from Dries Visser's breeding herds with their particular black-mask faces as an outstanding feature. There is also a Matetsi herd with female animals of 30" + horn lengths, whose heifer calves are also auctioned off.

Our buffalo herd consists only of the Madikwe reserve and Thaba Tholo herds, which we manage in two separate breeding herds. The Madikwe buffaloes are also known for their large structure and high on the legs, which is an important feature for us to select.



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